Monday, September 06, 2004

Just My Thoughts

This is just my thoughts... just my thoughts. And right or Wrong, This is just what I am feeling at the time. If you feel me, vibe with, walk with me and vibe with me.

Now gather round hustlers, that is if you are still livin', and get down with this old Q rhythm. In these times, well at least to me, there are a lot of County Drivers out there trying to drive like The King. They are changing lanes while turning on there turn signal. Y'all know the ones I am talking about. They pull out in front of you, when you have a right of way and traveling at least five over the limit. Mind you that is when you discover if you have good brakes or need to get them puppies fixed(along with your front end) or upgrade to better brakes.

Well check this out, this is what you do, get a wide bodied lense cause this is a very big chew. I was driving along after a long day at work on Sunday. Not even able to distract myself with cute women. And for those of you who know me, you know that it is easy to distract me with women. After work I decide to go for a drive. I go cruising, definitely not obeying the speed limit, letting loose and enjoying the road. Tranquil like, finding Happiness, and hoping that it will one day lead to Wisdom.


Blogger Shark said...

while happiness may lead to wisdom,wisdom does not always lead to happiness.Feel with your heart,think with your mind,and act with a perpose.Do not let your mind be swayed from the right thing,even though it may seem wrong at the time.

Friday, September 17, 2004 5:29:00 AM  

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